Our Work

To stay updated on all upcoming projects and opportunities please  join our mailing list or to support us please make a donation.

The Global Theatre Project fulfills its mission and purpose by supporting, developing and producing projects and initiatives of varying length and scale.  These projects may be located in the U.S. or abroad and generally involve one or more collaborative partners.

As we enter our second decade of work we will be concentrating our efforts on building membership and momentum of our Creative Corps initiative. Our major partner on this initiative is Community Renewal International. We invite you to explore the opportunities for your engagement in Creative Corps as well as learn more about the work of Community Renewal International.

Partnerships & Collaborations:
Actors for Autism
Amnesty International
Artemesia Centro Antiviolenza
Associazione A.C.T.
Associazione Sconfinando di Toscana
Biblioteca delle Oblate
Boston Court Arts Center
British Institute of Florence
Cooperativa Archeologia (settore beni culturali)
Casa della Creatività
City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs
Community Renewal International
Comune di Firenze (City of Florence)
Festival della Creatività
Heart of Los Angeles
Immigration Outreach Service Center of Baltimore
International Women in Media Foundation
Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles
Jewish Museum of Maryland
Los Angeles Unified School District
Palazzo Strozzi Foundation
Provincia della Toscana (Province of Tuscany)
Quartiere 1 di Firenze (Historic Quarter of Florence)
Regione della Toscana (Region of Tuscany)
The Robert F. Kennedy Center For Justice and Human Rights
Teatro di Cestello
Università di Firenze
U.S. Consulate of Tuscany
Sinagoga di Firenze
Stratford Shakespeare Birthday Commission, England
Women Engaged

Belarus Free Theatre. The Global Theatre Project launched its inaugural year right in the heart of its mission connecting our artists, students and community with those abroad.  In late February 2011 we presented a staged reading of ‘Being Harold Pinter’ to both support our colleagues at the Belarus Free Theatre who are not allowed to freely express themselves in their country and to initiate our intention to explore global issues that impact us locally. Why is it important for Americans in 2011 to discuss democracy and censorship? We know now, ten years later, how delicate and fragile democracy can be.  To learn more about our inauguration please click here.