Pillar #1: Kindness

A young participant helps a new friend during rehearsal for The GTP’s community event: Rapping On The Tempest

The work and methodology of The GTP and #Art4SocialRenewal rests on the strength of Four Pillars. We should begin with Kindness. How can Kindness be a part of the work of artists engaged with their communities? Why is it and should it be a Pillar of our work? And, more importantly, of all our lives.

This second decade finds The GTP inviting a journey into personal reflection, dialogue, creative response and sharing. On this page you will see links, articles, responses and more as they become available.

We would love to hear your insights and experiences. We would love to share your work which reflects, invites, inspires this pillar. Please share with us on our Facebook Group, Twitter, or Instagram. Hashtags: #The4Pillars #Art4SocialRenewal #TheGlobalTheatreProject or send an email to: info@theglobaltheatreproject.org so we can share it here on our site as well.

The Four Pillars are
Whole Artist Elements (curiosity, courage, hunger, passion, connectivity, knowledge, sensual development). 


Discussion with guests:
Can Kindness be taught or is it innate?

Discussion with guests:
Where does fragility and honesty in Kindness arise and how can theatre artists help to illuminate that in society?

Discussion with guests:
What are the possibilities for Kindness in a fear-driven society?

Discussion with guests:
Are we brave enough to develop gentleness toward ourselves as the first step toward Kindness toward others?

Some of the Kindness Activities, Article prompts:

Here are some questions to explore:
What does kindness feel like?
Why is it of value to a healthy society?
How small can kindness be? How large?
How can we weight the value of kindness?
Should we? Why or why not?
How does kindness show up in the arts? In creativity?
How can artists and arts institutions engage in kindness? And why?
What possibilities exist for our nation or the world if everyone took this time to consider being kind?
Where do we see, specifically, an opportunity to shift a societal wrong or inequity by applying kindness and how?
And . . . when have you ever been grateful for an act of kindness you did for someone else?

Here is an Interesting article on Kindness and Health with measurable impacts.