
To stay updated on all upcoming projects and opportunities with The GTP please join our mailing list.

Our artists ask themselves: “Can my kind of art change our kind of world?

It absolutely can – with your partnership

The Global Theatre Project has brought thousands of people into creative rapport with one another reminding them that what is most beautiful and vital in our world is our connection to one another. HOW we connect is the question of a GTP artist.  

In light of the world we live in – it is vital that we help our fellow human beings remember that life is precious and worth celebrating — together.

This evokes the question of legacy, of inheritance.  What kind of world are we leaving our children, and what are the tools they have to navigate this global landscape? We do believe that The GTP offers tools for communities to thrive in celebration and connection. The legacy — OUR legacy built with you — is through the lived experiences that construct healthy relationships and possibilities for our future.

Your donations will:

  • Provide stipends to our artists, project materials, curriculum development and distribution.
  • Build a foundation for the further development of Creative Corps. This includes the costs necessary for administration fees, marketing costs and the establishment of an artists fund to support project development on the grass roots level

The Global Theatre Project relies on the support and donations of visionary individuals and institutions.  We thank you for your support and involvement.

For contributions by check:

Please make the check out to ‘The Global Theatre Project’ and send to:
The Global Theatre Project
3902 Canterbury Road, #B3
Baltimore, MD 21218

For contributions by credit card:

If you shop on Amazon, you can use the following link
to donate 5% of your purchase – at no cost to you – to The GTP:

Global Theatre Project


We thank you for your support